Krueger-Scott is the largest collection of oral history interviews conducted with African-American residents of Newark who came to the city during the Great Migration, as well as those whose local roots stretch back generations. The faculty, staff and graduate students at Rutgers University-Newark who have worked on the collection in collaboration with local cultural institutions are proud to have helped preserve, archive, and make public these remarkable oral narratives that describe an as yet unwritten history of twentieth century African-American life.
- Name
- Decade
- Banks Franklin
- Bateman Elma
- Beatty Pearl
- Berry Vivian
- Bethea Katheryn
- Bradwell Willie
- Branch George
- Brickus Glen Marie
- Byass Lurline
- Byrd Mae E.
- Campbell Francis V. Jackson
- Churchman James
- Clark Ida
- Clark Joe L.
- Coleman Willa
- Coles Geri
- Conyers Alvin
- Cooke Richard
- Cosby Mary
- Crawford Ed
- Crump Mildred
- Duke Barbara
- Eatman Elsie
- Epperson Louise
- Etheridge Magnolia
- Flagg E. Alma
- Gaynor Martha
- Gibson Daniel
- Gillis Thelma W.
- Haygood Florence
- Henderson Danita
- Henry Verner
- Hill Elton
- Hooper Willie Belle
- Horne Veronice
- Hutchins Frank
- James Sharpe
- James Thomas and Queen Elizabeth
- Johnson Annie Rose
- Johnson Bernice
- Johnson Jessie
- Johnson Reather
- Jones Coyt L.
- Jones James A.
- Jones James F. "Chops"
- Kay Clarence
- Kerr Edward
- Lacy Patricia
- Lee Carrie
- Lipman Wynona
- Little Clara
- Little Mageline
- Little Matthew
- Marshall Ronald
- Martin John
- Mathis Pauline
- May Zaundria Mapson
- McLurkin Erma
- Means Lenore
- Minnighan Lillie
- Moore Mattie Hodge
- Morton Virginia
- Moses John
- Norwood Matthew
- Oluokua Joy Odesumola
- Parker Wilbur
- Pearce Emory
- Pearce Remay
- Pearson T.D.
- Pendleton Larry
- Polk George
- Potts Nathaniel L.
- Powell Hortense Williams
- Queen Bob
- Rainey Ella
- Rawlins Willa
- Reynolds Alberta F.
- Rice Ronald
- Richards Ethel
- Roberts Mary
- Robinson Henry
- Ross John B.
- Ross Mary
- Rountree Bernice
- Scott Bev
- Scott James A.
- Shepard Lawrence C. (Bill)
- Slaten Harvey
- Stubbs Bill
- Swain Marzell
- Sylvan Shirley
- Taylor Kitty
- Thomas Edna R.
- Thomas Isaac
- Thompson Eugene
- Tucker Rose M.
- Turner Lewis
- Wallace Carolyn
- Wallace James
- Wapples Lucille
- Washington Andrew
- Washington Franotie
- Watkins Clara
- West Calvin
- Wilkerson Owen
- Williams Marion
- Woods Robert
- Wright Rosia
- Yamba A. Zachary
Search by decade of arrival in Newark